
I started working at BlueDot Impact in November 2022 and am now a Product Manager. I've built the Course Hub (BlueDot's learning management system), designed facilitator training, launched digital marketing campaigns, automated internal workflows and an assortment of other tasks to help scale the impact of our course participants.


I graduated from Minerva University in 2022 with a double major in Data Science & Statistics and Historical Forces. It's a pretty neat university where I got to travel, live, and work in 5 different countries during my undergraduate degree!


I did long distance running while I was in school. Then focused on yoga everyday for 6 months (now I can touch my toes!). Towards the end of uni, I bouldered for two years to build strength and make friends.

Since I moved to the UK, I've been training BJJ with Carlson Gracie London (oss!) to learn how to operate under pressure and because I've always wanted to praactice martial arts. My goal for 2024 is to compete twice!

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